Day Book: Page 3


 No one can ruin your day without your permission.

Others can stop you temporarily. 
                          But only you can do it permanently.

 Most people will be about as happy. 
                                                        As they decided to be.

Whatever you are willing to put you with. 
                                                             Is what you will have.

Success stops when you do.

When you are ships comes in.... 
                                     Make sure you are willing to unload it.

I"ve Learned that ultimately "Takers" lose and "Givers" win.

The biggest lie on the earth. 
                               "When i get what i want i will be Happy".

You wil never "Have it all together".

Life's precious moments don't have value,
                                                            unless they are shared.

The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.

 Life is a journey..... not a Destination. 
                                                                   Enjot the Trip.!

Your's Lovingly 
I can Change the World.!!!!


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