Interior of gals Bed Room

Hi gals

As we all know every gal has dream to have there own designed bed room of there favourite color favourite furnitures and design by all there favourite stufss. right...!!!!!

I just wanted to show few pics which wil help u to make ur room best just have Look.

Pink Bed Rooms:

Hmmm yes i know most favourite color of all the gals is pink pink pink pink.... i know many have obsessive of pink color they love having every things in pink color in there room what they wear and all... everything is pink they wanted.

So here are few pink stuffed bed rooms.

Simple pink color room:

 Pink color room with white combination:

More white with Little dark pink combination suits for teenage gals:

Gals just like light pink can go this type cos it doesnt have too much pinkish yet gives warm n soft look to the room:

Bright Pink and pure white so it perfect of both color combination:

I like this one a lot the tree at wall  gives highlited and natural look to room and light pink color is very nice:

Full of pink with white furnitures if your obsessed with pink then this wil be one for you:

Wow nice stripes on wall suits for two kids room spacious with bright light makes comfortable for students:

For me this room looks like princess room with dressing table and chair again suits to pink obsessed gals:

If you are not looking for all pink then this is good one combined with other colors like zebra prints and black and white i think is good:

Gals who love yellow and green so cute this one is mixed with all light colors:

Its very light color room suits to couples or gals dont like to be in bright themed rooms:

Cream and white combination room:

Purple is my favourite color and this is one But its not very galish :

 Pure white theme Bed room looks very clean and delicate:

Wow this has all the nice things its bright and has pink in it and with all good furnitures:

Red and pink and white Bright one:

I like this too Black and red combination Bold theme room:

Kids Room:

Blue Theme very rare color for gals room:

But i must say few tips to you all.

  • Though you like pink lot don make it over since it may make you feel not liking pink later days just combine it with your other favourite colors and prints like leopard prints zebra prints, birds prints or deer prints or fish prints or with some barbie pics or you can paint wall with natured seen or make room walls painted alternative colors. It wil help you to change your mood.

  • Atleast keep changing bed covers and blankets with dark n light colors so you can see changes in between.

  • Try to paint room walls with striped alternative colors, or you can make one wall dark color and the rest 3 side walls into light colors. it makes lot of difference to your room.

  • If you have small room try to keep selected furnitures don dump everything in room it make your room looks more small.

  • If you want your room more creative put stick some postings on door and walls like don disturb me between and write time or if you have any delicate things in your room write as don touch anything you wish write it.

  • Try to keep things in order so that it helps you when you are hurry and avoids making your room messy when your in urgent.

  • Keep often changing your room themes and change the places of your furniture ie remake your room it adds lot of freshness to your mind and gives change.

  • If your a nature lover try to add some plants in your room and if you have too big room amd don wamt too many furniture you can fill that place with dolls so it wont look messy and it adds cuteness to your room.

  • Make sure your room is clean and neat ie most important at the end of the day you are one stays in it so you should feel good right....

Hope you all like this post and tips.
Let me know what theme you have in your room send me pictures of it to my id i will post them in my blog in your name.

Let me know what else you can add to your room to make it beautifullll.

Thanks for pausing here....:)


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